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Authorship Claim Disclaimer

At Corporate Ninja (earlier Company Ninja), we strive to provide valuable content and insights to our readers. We understand that some of the blogs on our platform may have been contributed by various authors in the past. Due to a technical issue, the authorship details for many of our blogs have been lost, and they are currently published under the admin name.

If you believe that you are the original author of any blog published on this website, we sincerely apologize for any oversight. We are committed to ensuring proper authorship attribution and would like to rectify this situation.

To claim authorship of a specific blog post, please follow these steps:

  • Send an email to our editorial team at from the email address associated with your original submission.
  • In your email, please include the following information:
    • The title or URL of the blog post you are claiming authorship for.
    • Any relevant details or proof of your authorship, such as the date of submission, a draft of the content, or any correspondence related to the submission.

Our editorial team will review your claim and verify the information provided.

Once we have confirmed your authorship, we will update the blog post to correctly attribute it to you as the author.

Please understand that our team will make every effort to process authorship claims promptly and accurately. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure proper credit for all authors on our platform.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and for your contributions to our knowledge-sharing platform.